According to our general conditions of sale, you have a right of withdrawal of 14 days from receipt of your order. If you wish to return a product, simply contact the seller via the internal messaging of our marketplace in your account or by the "contact" button on your seller's product page to notify them of your return request.

The seller will then tell you how to return the product in its original condition, i.e. new and unused, and in its original packaging. The return must be made within 14 days following your notification of withdrawal. The return costs are your responsibility, unless the product is defective or does not correspond to the description given by the seller or the seller takes charge of it.

Once the product has been received by the seller and if the product is in its original condition, the seller will reimburse the product within a maximum period of 14 days. If the product does not meet the return conditions, the seller may refuse the refund or not accept the return.

Note that certain products are not subject to the right of withdrawal, such as perishable or personalized products. It is therefore important to check the conditions of sale of the product before placing an order.

We are committed to supporting buyers in their return procedures and to intervening in the event of a dispute with the seller. We also act as a third party payment provider to guarantee the security of transactions and payments made on our marketplace.

The return policy of is detailed in the general conditions of sale (CGV) and in particular in article 10. It is important to also check the general conditions of sale of the product or service of the seller presented in the announcement to read the seller's specific terms and conditions.