Delivery times may vary depending on the seller, shipping location and the delivery method chosen by the buyer. On our marketplace, each seller is responsible for shipping their products and must provide an estimated delivery time for each order.

It is specified below each photo the shipping area in France or abroad that the seller covers, the delivery time for the area covered.

It is specified that for certain orders there may be a longer or shorter order preparation time specified in this case in the announcement. The order preparation time is added to the shipping time.

An email notifies you when the order is shipped and your interface also specifies the shipment of your order and its date.

If you use several sellers for your order, each seller will apply its shipping time policy, which may be different and may cause you to receive your orders in fragments at different times.

It is important to note that delivery times may also be affected by external factors beyond the seller's control, such as weather conditions, strikes or delays in delivery services.

To track the status of your order and know estimated delivery times, you can log in to your account on our marketplace and access the order tracking page. If you experience any delays or problems with the delivery of your order, please do not hesitate to contact the seller for additional information and to resolve any possible issues before contacting us.